food studies in the middle east & north africa: a bibliography

Since 2018 I’ve been collecting references for a bibliography for all things related to food studies in the Middle East & North Africa. I update it regularly and all of the data is available online, open-access, at Zotero.

Because this growing field is still small, the first goal of the bibliography is to provide a comprehensive, ongoing database of all academic work (scholarly monographs and edited volumes as well as peer-reviewed articles) on food in the region from any era. It also includes a selection of other sources, including notable or historically significant cookbooks (especially early print cookbooks in Arabic, Persian, and Turkish), creative works, and websites.

In the future I hope to develop bibliographies on specific subject areas. In the meantime, if the bibliography is missing something you think should be included, please let me know by filling out the form below! This is an ad hoc resource and I am always learning about items that I’ve missed.

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